Designing Large Bathrooms
Some people don't realise they have a large bathroom with the right arrangment! Having a large bathroom means you can play with a space a lot more, in a small bathroom ease of cleaning and lack of clutter is important.
In a large bathroom the layout of the bathroom can really promote a sense of relaxing and ease. You have more room to play around with the lighting with dimmable lighting and feature lighting. Allowing you to create a more relaxing ambient.

Fixtures and Furnishings
Placing the bathroom in a prominent position to make it a feature can really set the room apart. The location could be central or directly under window.
On a practical point of view good ventilation is essential in a large bathroom as a small bathroom be especially conscious of those which are an ensuite and part of the sleeping area.
Large bathroom can house beautiful fittings and fixtures worthy of admiration and scrutiny. For example there are such feature designs elements e.g. bathtubs that look good enough for them to be the centre and focal point of a bathroom.